Thursday, May 27, 2004 ______________________________________________________________________________

Mid-Terms and Interviews 

Yesterday was a big day for me in terms of things that I had to get done. I had an interview in the morning with 1-800-GOT-JUNK which I think went well, though I don't think I got the job.

It's very chilling when you are in a group interview and the people in your group are all over-qualified for the position. It's just basic inbound call-centre work but there were people there with accounting certs, Bachelor degrees in Science, computer certs etc. I looked around and got the sense that I should just work on my pHD so that I can get a job at Starbucks. Again, I think that I was one of the people there with the most relevant experience, which would count in my favour. Not to mention I thought I interviewed pretty well, with more concise answers than everyone else, but that evaluation is coming from a pretty biased perspective. This interview was just for them to figure out if they wanted to bring me back for a second interview, not a group one this time. If they do, they will call me before 5pm tonight.

I'm looking at my bedroom floor right now and there's Mary Kay products in boxes convering most of it. I just called my director to make an appointment to speak with her about getting my business off the ground. She was saying that me losing my CallTrex job was the perfect opportunity to turn MK into my full-time position. I think it's worth checking out at the very least, just because there -is- unlimited potential in this business, if I know how to swing it. Which is what Liz is going to teach me to do... Plus the car is really something to work toward. I was not going to do anything with MK until mid-June which is when I will have no more summer school/Bach Youth Choir, but maybe I will start sooner.

Linguistics 200 mid-term was held last night and I think I can damn well get better than 90% on that thing. It's just something that really piques my interest and is therefore not a chore to study. I think that this fall perhaps I will see the Linguistics advisor about going for honours. I mean my average is certainly high enough to go for it and there's no reason why I shouldn't. I figure the only way to combat a crappy program is to be the best in it. The way I see it, the best of the worst must be at the same level of the worst of the best. Either way I'm still in the "best" layer, which matters for Grad school anyway. Along the same vein, the student loans people called yesterday and told me that I will know whether I have been approved by tomorrow afternoon/evening. I don't think that there's any reason why I shouldn't be approved especially because I applied really early too. *groan* I guess that's another reason why I should start selling Mary Kay ASAP.

What a disjointed entry!

In my job search I signed up with a tutoring agency. My last job fell through, the mother didn't call me back but now I have another potential job for English 10 and Social Studies. I think I might be able to wrangle it into an interesting Summer Position. I mean I can still get jobs from co-op so as long as I can combine my MK and my tutoring I might just give up on this whole Call Centre idea for good. I know that from this paragraph it sounds like I don't think I will get a position at 1-800-GOT-JUNK, but the truth is I really think that I can get a second interview, I'm just not getting my hopes up about it.

I'm just going to stop writing right here, the lack of continuity in this post is driving me insane and I can tell that it will only get worse with length. I've said mostly what I've wanted to say so...yeah.

Oh, one more thing, Jim's Triops died yesterday of no apparent causes. I think it was nine days old or something. I guess that's what you get for eating everyone else that hatched after you.

posted by Joie! at 12:04 p.m.


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