Monday, June 14, 2004 ______________________________________________________________________________

Study Group...yeah right... 

Last night had a wicked-ass Linguistics study group. The exam is this Wednesday so we thought that we would get our heads in gear and start preparing for it. Not much work ended up being done, in-between the quest for a photocopying machine and the enlightening conversations that we were having, but it was an enjoyable night nonetheless. I like having people over to my place. It's a really nice feeling that I cannot explain. Unfortunately there will not be another opportunity to gather at my place owing to the fact that the other members in my study group either work or are taking a stupid number more summer classes. Frankly, three summer classes is being very brave. I think two of them are taking five a term. That's just suicide, and I can see them contemplating it.

Jim and I had roast leg of lamb last night. I would have taken a photo of it but we were really just trying to finish up quickly because the study group was returning (we dispersed for dinner because the guys wanted to go to Richmond and Anna had to go home and have dinner with her family). Besides, I didn't want this blog to start looking like Joel's Blog albeit my lamb looked a helluva lot better than many dishes he has on display. I still have about 5lbs of it left in the fridge and we're counting on it to feed us for the week I think.

What happened was that I walked past a Mister Meats while I was temping at Lougheed Mall and they said that they had a meat special. Whole leg of lamb for $3.99/lb. That's cheaper than sometimes when we buy beef and lamb is typically a very expensive meat. Not to mention I really really like lamb and have been craving it with mint jelly as of late. So I sent Jim to buy a leg of lamb. I mean how big could this thing be right? Lambs are baby sheep. They are small. Since then I've learnt that lambs get up to 120lbs before they are slaughtered and prepared and hence our 6lb leg of lamb really is very standard. We made a monster meal and the lamb is soooo yummy. On account of me being sick Jim did all the chopping and prep. All I had to do was turn on the oven and throw in the vegetables when it was time to. I felt like the Iron Chef, it was a good feeling.

Also on account of me being sick (I've got an inner ear infection as a result of having the flu) and the fact that we were having people over, Jim cleaned the house. Thanks buddy, I owe you so much for your housekeeping. He's a much better housekeeper than I am and it's slightly embarassing that he knows more about vacuum cleaner attachments but boy am I grateful for it. If not for Jim this place may not get messy as quickly as it does (I'm more of a passive mess creator, things gradually get messier over time and Jim's an active mess creator. He can devastate a room in seconds) but it will steadily drop in livability until my grandma comes, lectures me about it and cleans the place for me. zha bo kia do be ka leng li dam bo...yeah right.

I have to go and get cracking on more Linguistics stuff. It's not like I got all that much done in the eight hours in which I hosted the study group. It's also time to pop another painkiller (with codeine!) so that I can function.

posted by Joie! at 12:49 p.m.


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-Part I: First Week...or so...yeah...

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