Saturday, September 25, 2004
Joie's feeling Punk
Hey Everybody!
Right now this is the only form of communication that doesn't really really really hurt. Oh wait. If this entry goes on too long the fact that I'm sitting upright might start to cause me mucho mucho pain.
That's right everyone! Joie's got the flu! On a weekend! The weekend with the best weather since the start of September. Isn't that nice.
Thanks to my anatomy of speech class I can tell you that my velum (down to my uvula) is inflammed, along with the wall of my pharynx. How do I know? I looked in a mirror! I suspect that my larynx is fine because the only times that it hurts to talk is when I make oral sounds -- that is, sounds that require my velum (very painful) to make contact with the wall of my pharynx (sore like hell) to close off my velarpharyngeal port, effectively stopping the pulmonic egressive airflow from entering my nasal cavity. So any sounds that are not
Nasals (there's a row of nasals in the chart) aren't fun to make. If you examine the chart closely, you will also see that English speech doesn't really have all that many nasals (and no nasal vowels)
Since I've started talking about what hurts, it doesn't really benefit anyone out there who doesn't know what all these names refer to. So, here's my attempt at drawing a bmp file for the parts mentioned above:
Pretty good for a free-hand drawing, isn't it?
It's a good thing that Jimmy's taking care of me. He made a really nice soup that unfortunately because I've been drinking all day I can't really drink anymore. He's on the way back with good stuff for dinner (that will be easy to swallow). He also rented a whole bunch of movies for me so that I can veg and still be entertained. It's not all that great that I can't really concentrate on my course work right now, but I think in the long run I will be fine. I just hope that I won't have to miss any classes.
On a not entirely unrelated note: I now own the movie
Clue. The VHS was in the Previously Viewed bin at
Rogers Video for $5.99 ($3.99 after we used the coupon). I'm so elated. Thanks Jimmy!
posted by Joie! at
4:56 p.m.