Wednesday, December 08, 2004 ______________________________________________________________________________

Bigger than Jesus 

Today is the 24th anniversary of John Lennon's death. While I know that this is not an original sentiment, I can't help but wonder what else he would have gone on to do if he didn't get shot dead outside his New York apartment. Today as a tribute, Vancouver's classic rock station, Rock 101 played 24 hours of John Lennon. Not just Beatles music but also quotes from interviews and press conferences that he held.

This is the guy that was open minded enough to marry not only outside his race, but also to a woman much older than he. I mean, there are alot of people out there who don't like Yoko Ono and even go so far as to say that she is the reason that the Beatles split up. Now I reserve my thoughts on her because frankly, I wasn't even alive for the whole debacle and all I have to base my opinions on are fragmented clips from various media from a hell of a long time ago. Oh, and my mother, but because she's such a hateful person anyway, I don't really trust her opinions on anything.

John Lennon was shot dead before I was born. It's hard to comprehend that because much of his music is still so relevant today. In fact, the background music for most of my early days with Jimmy consists of Beatles songs. If the radio in the car worked on a more consistent basis, that's what we would be listening to during our commutes. In fact, I know more Beatles songs than songs by any other bands combined. I love Lennon's music. Did you know that you can tell which songs he wrote despite the fact that they are all Lennon/McCartney? That's because whoever really wrote the song in question sings lead. So all you have to do is pay attention and you'll know which songs are his. In case you were wondering? Yes, he was the one who wrote I am the Walrus. It's not just the music though. It's the man.

I'd be hard pressed to find someone so much before my time who I can say I identify with. I don't claim to have any insight into John Lennon the man, but I like to think that the quotes that have survived him are a pretty good indicator of the person he is. I like his way of thinking. Simple, unassuming, but he knows what he wants and he knows who he is. His personality is so strong that it's little wonder that he's bigger than any of the surviving Beatles. Yes, that includes McCartney, who, in my opinion, has become quite a sell-out of late. Plus, how on earth did the best looking Beatle become so damn ugly? I digress.

I felt compelled to say something about John Lennon, this being the 24th anniversary of his death and all, but I don't feel qualified to say anything about him. All I can talk about then is what he is to me. To me, he's just a really, really cool guy that I would love to have for an afternoon just to talk to and have fun with. You know all those questions about if you could meet someone living or dead, anyone, who would it be? I never say John Lennon because I always feel pressured to give an answer like "Dalai Lama" or "Gandhi", though he's always the first guy to spring to mind. Starting today, if ever I am asked this question again (and I'm sure that this really stupid question isn't going the way of the dodo anytime soon) I'm going to say John Lennon, and I'm going to be proud that he's the one guy I would love to meet.

Sorry to have lost you before I was even born. Take care, wherever you are, and have fun.

posted by Joie! at 10:09 p.m.


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