Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Free Money
Everytime I get an unexpected letter from
UBC, it always ends up being from the
library asking for the $57 in fines that I owe them for what must be three years now. In their letters they remind me that if I have fines that have been outstanding for more than a year or exceed $50 I cannot take books out of the library and/or use the computers in the library. Despite these not very scary cons, I don't want to pay those fines out of principle. With rising tuition costs and larger class sizes and fewer sections I feel like they're taking enough of my money, thank you very much. So when I got a letter from UBC yesterday, I almost threw it out without opening it.
I didn't. I opened it. Instead of demanding money, they were "pleased to inform me" that I had qualified for a bursary of $650, which actually covers the outstanding tuition for next term (the stuff that my student loan this term couldn't cover). Moreover, unlike a student loan, I don't have to repay the bursary. Ever.
I'm stunned.
No really. UBC is
giving me money?
Huh. No kidding.
I read the letter a few more times, just in case I was wrong. Or drunk. Or something. I even looked it up on the
student services center and the
UBC Calendar. I'm the receipient of a non-repayable bursary from UBC. Maybe the next time they send me a letter asking for their $57 I might actually pay. Probably not, but it's a good thought right now.
Still on the topic of free money, I wonder if
Twila from the
latest Survivor would have won if she had simply said that she needed the money more than Chris did. Since so many other people have no doubt dissected the results of the finale more times than
Google cares to dredge up for me, I decline to express my opinions here. Simply, I like Twila and I would have liked her to have won. I would love to discuss the last episode and the reunion show with anyone who watched it though, so catch me online or drop me an
email and we'll talk.
Maybe I'll use the extra money to join
Curves seeing as how there's one walking distance from where I live. I even know how it will fit into my next term's schedule. I was just taking inventory of the past four months and while I'm doing alright in terms of holding down a job and schoolwork I haven't exactly been experiencing a clean bill of health. In fact, a quick once over at my archives will reveal that I have had respiratory problems, digestive problems and a new allergic reaction. All of the above are clearly linked to stress and they hamper my productivity. I need to start working out (without adding significantly to things that I already have to do in a regular week) which is why Curves with its 30min three times a week program and its proximity to my apartment is perfect.
Here's to the holidays and free money. Take care out there.
posted by Joie! at
1:36 p.m.